Digital diffential pressure transducer for overpressure, anderpressure and differential pressure measurements. Various measuring ranges can be selected with the help of a DIP switch. The integrated push-button can be used for offset calibration, a potentiometer is used for selector shaft adjustment of the integrated relay. Optionally, the differential pressure switch is available with a graphic 1.44″ e-Paper display.
Produktkategorien: Pressure
Converter pressure measurements and pressure difference – FDE40
Our FDE40 converters are transmitters of the elevated pressure, lowered and values of a pressure difference. Transmitters of this line are suitable for carrying out measurements in neutral gases and liquids. They can be applied in all spheres of the industrial and sanitary measuring equipment.
Der Drucktransmitter DT1 mit keramischer Messzelle eignet sich bestens zur Relativdruckmessung nicht-aggressiver Medien. Einsatzgebiete finden Sie in der Gebäudeautomation, Industrie, sowie pneumatische und hydraulische Applikationen.
Unsere FDE28 sind Differenzdruckmessumformer für Überdruck-, Unterdruck- und Differenzdruckmessungen. Der Transmitter der Differenzdruckmessumformer dieser Baureihe eignet sich für vielfältige Messaufgaben in den Bereichen der Heizungs- und Sanitärtechnik. Typische Anwendungsfälle sind Differenzdruckmessungen zwischen Vor- und Rücklauf in Heizungsanlagen, Überwachen von Filtern, Verdichtern usw.
Digital diffential pressure transducer for overpressure, anderpressure and differential pressure measurements. Various measuring ranges can be selected with the help of a DIP switch. The integrated potentiometer can be used for offset calibration, a second potentiometer is used for selector shaft adjustment of the integrated relay. Optionally, the differential pressure switch is available with a graphic 1.44″ e-Paper display.
For monitoring incombustible and non-aggressive gaseous media. Our Differential Pressure Controllers are available with various measuring ranges and are delivered as standard with a connection set. Further features:
– Adjustable with large scale
– Metric cable glands
– Duct connection nipples: length 60 mm
– Horizontal or vertical mounting position